Editor's review
This is a tool that organizes spreadsheet fie shortcuts for easy finding and launching.
This shortcut add-in helps organize shortcuts to file names. You are able to put them in one place and are able to access from within your Excel worksheet. These individual links are activated simply by right clicking. All your spreadsheets could be accessed from one place without switching to desktop or any other location. It is possible to then logically group files together. This should make it even easier to find and open files without much effort. As you right-click on each link collected into the reference sheet, the specific file will open for your use. The shortcuts add-in facilitates fast access to your Excel files. The interface is simple. Just about any user should be able to get going with the tool. It is easy to install. Right clicking on a cell, activates the shortcut menu.
Single click buttons help you create groups and shortcuts and place them into the spreadsheet. When creating the shortcuts and arranging them is done, it is very easy to operate the tool through the interface. On the left you get to see the groups with their easy to select radio buttons. Having selected a group you get to see a list of short-cuts on the right on which a file link could be selected. Group names and links can be created and edited easily. If you deal with a lot of different spreadsheet in your work, this is a tool that can make your life a little easier. If you have such a need, this is a tool you could enlist for trial. This is a handy one.
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